Monday, May 3, 2010

Why, oh why?

Why do our little ones insist on breaking our hearts? "Someone" who shall remain nameless was a fusser ALL. WEEKEND. LONG. He refused to go down for a nap without a fight...which resulted in missing a few of them. But we made it through.

Fast forward to this morning, which was a little bit better. Not great--and I sure wasn't hating the thought of going to work for a break--but better. Here's the bullet to the heart. I had to struggle to get any smiles out of him all morning (well, heck, all weekend), but the second he saw his baby-sitter, he was all smiles. Thanks, son. Thanks.

So mama cried part of the way to work. I know this is normal, and it doesn't mean that he doesn't love me. All he's done all weekend is crawl after me whining and try to pull on my legs. Or try to climb in my lap, etc. Now...let it be known, I'm not complaining about any of that. It wears on your nerves after a while, but I love this little guy wanting his mama. I just wish I got the smile he gave her today.

Oh well, I just have to remind myself that when he wakes up at 3 am tonight, he won't be saying, "Ms. Crystal," he'll be crying, "mamamamamamama."

Just to think of hearing him say that brings tears to my eyes; I love that little boy!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's Been a While...

It's been so long since I've posted anything on here, but maybe I should try again to keep it up. My last post was at 37 weeks pregnant, and now my little man is 8.5 months old. WOW! How time flies!

The little guy is so busy now. He's crawling at lightning speed, pulling up on EVERYTHING, feeding himself (not with a spoon yet, of course), and doing so many other great things! He's developed a cheesy little grin within the last 2 weeks. I swear he knows he's cute when he does it. Probably because we don't stop laughing and smiling when that grin appears. He squints his eyes, crinkles his nose, and shows his teeth...SO CUTE!

We're still nursing, which I plan to continue until...well, I don't know when. I'm going to play it by his cues, or until we decide it's time to stop to try for #2. Oh #2! That thought just makes me giddy, though I hope it's still a while before we're actually there. I would love to be pregnant again. I can't wait to experience labor and delivery again! However, I still feel like little Em needs Mommy's undivided attention for a little while longer.

Work is hectic most days, not because of what I do (which I love), but mostly b/c of some negative attitudes that surround me there. It's frustrating to try to do good work when it feels like some people just can't stop seeing the bad in everything. But I'm sure that's everywhere, so I bite my tongue and do what I can...and then I go home to my sweet boy!

We are blessed with a wonderful babysitter who loves our little man as much as any sitter could. Thank goodness we are able to leave him with her. I can't imagine leaving him otherwise.

Well, I really should get to a long day with lots of things to do ahead of me. Just reminded of how therapuetic this can be. Maybe I'll try to keep it up a little more next week.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ready for Em to get out!

So...I'm tired of Braxton Hicks and getting nowhere. Can't wait until my 37 week appt on Friday (I'll really be 37 weeks and 4 days). Hoping to see another change in my cervix. Just tired of feeling like my skin is about to burst and that some alien is trying to pry its way out. Just come out baby Emmitt. I want to hold you and kiss you and cuddle you SO BADLY!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

And so it is...

I have the theme song from Closer in my head and haven't even seen the movie in months. Probaby not since even before I was pregnant.

Just wanted to update...32 days before Emmitt is due to arrive. Having contractions, but nothing regular at all. Got a little boy that LOVES to move his head around in my pelvis and HURT me...but we're just getting started in the pain department. Honestly, I'm kind of glad that I'm feeling so many little pains all day so that when I actually go into labor, these will be nothing. I'll be able to say, "Oh that...yeah...I've been feeling that for weeks. I don't even notice it anymore." Hehe. Sure hope that works!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

33 weeks

So today I am 33 weeks pregnant. That discovery yesterday sent me into a tizzy of feeling like he's nearly here and nothing is done. I have made a 2 page list of stuff to do (which I feel like I add to every 10 minutes) and I'm starting to cross things off.

On a beautiful note, Wes decided that I should have a pool. It makes my body feel better and allows me to get some easy exercise. He't putting it up today, so I'll be swimming lots on my 4 day holiday weekend! YAY!

Gotta get to work. Only 28 workdays left before Emmitt should be arriving...if not less!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

They "Don't" Call Me Doctor Love

So DH and I have finally had it with our OB. I have made phone calls to find another one and feel like I have narrowed my options down to a good one or two. Of course, it is my potential new OB's day off, so the office manager is talking to her tomorrow and will call me back. I don't know if I can wait until tomorrow to know something. Hopefully, she'll accept me as a patient. I think they have already talked to my doctor...which will make it very awkward if I don't find a new one now. It seems that they could do it a little differently than that. Oh well, I thought we'd end up with a new OB for the next baby, so getting one now just seems like a better choice.

Wish me luck!!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Quick Run Down

So...since it's been over a month since I've's where we are.

Emmitt is due in 9.5 weeks...YAY!! He just started today (Or I just discovered it today) moving body parts where I can actually feel that they are a body part and not just a bump or a lump. The only thing is that I can't tell what it is. So I'm stuck playing a game of pushing, prodding, and guessing what this little thing is that I feel pushing on my belly. It's so sweet!

I have come down with some kind of cold within the last 2 days. I can't breathe, which is endlessly frustrating and because I can't breathe worse at night, I sleep with my mouth open. We all know what that means...waking up with a sore throat.

We had a week of drama with the in-laws last week that ended with the fact that my Step-Father-in-Law will NOT be left alone with our son. It was a mess, but at least we are back to civil interactions at this point.

Emmitt had his first baby shower on Sunday. We got a few good things and a few things that we won't use. Normal. The sweetest gift I got, though, came from my SIL. She gave us a great stash of KL1s (my fave) that were from our nephew!! She framed a pic of me and Wes that she took about a month and a 1/2 ago. I put it in Emmitt's room so he will have a picture of his mommy and daddy to look at from when he was still on his way to us!

This weekend will be a crazy one, but should be a great one!! Tomorrow, we have an OB appt where we are going to discuss delaying cervical checks (which I am sure my OB will "love" to hear). We are also going to discuss something she said last visit that I am concerned about. She told us that as soon as we get to the hospital, she will break my water. Well, if things are moving along without interventions...why would you use them? After our appt I bet she'll be ready to take the rest of the day off after

Saturday, Wes takes his Praxis exam for teaching. All I can do is PRAY that he passes it. He has been studying for nearly 2 weeks, and this week, I've even been getting to help him by asking him sample test questions. He seems to know enough that I think he'll do well. We sure need him to, but I don't say much b/c I know he doesn't need the added pressure. Also, on Saturday, since we'll be about an hour and 1/2 from home, we're going to go to Babies 'R Us and see if there is anything there that we need/want for Emmitt since they don't have one in our town.

Sunday is the culmination of it all, Emmitt's second (and I assume final) baby shower!! This one includes all my friends and family so I'm super excited! A lot of these people I have not seen the whole time I have been PG, or I've only seen them a few times, so this is GREAT!! What's even better though, is that once this shower is over, we get to take all of our gift cards, money we've saved, credit from returned items, etc. and buy the rest of baby Emmitt's gear!!! This child really couldn't possibly need another thing, but somehow there's so much stuff out there for us to buy! We don't have a playpen, a baby gym for the floor, and so many other things (that we really could raise a baby I can't wait!!!

Well, as for now, I'm nearing the end of a workday, going grocery shopping, working on cleaning the house...some, and sitting on the couch and watching the results show for So You Think You Can Dance.

Maybe I'll remember to update again next month...hehe.