Monday, December 8, 2008

Our first BFN...

Well, even though it was too soon to get an extremely accurate test, I tested yesterday. Just 3 days before AF. The papers said this test would be 82% accurate. Of course, it said that we aren't pregnant. So now my only remaining hope for this cycle was that I tested too soon. Just 2 more days until AF could (NOT) arrive and let us know a little something better.

While it's heartbreaking to see NOT PREGNANT on the stick that you are praying will change your life forever, I am not as devastated yet as I thought I might be. It's just a matter of trying again next month. I am amazed at women who can continue trying for 7, 9 12, 17 months with no luck. By 6 months, I'm going to be ready to go to the doctor for tests, even though I know they don't want to do them. By 12 months, I'm going to be ready to adopt. We want a family! Our home needs a little voice, little feet, little toys, little clothes...big sleep!

Anyone reading, please keep us in your prayers. We have about 2 and 1/2 weeks before we can try again. Unless...we just got a false NEG. ;)

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