Saturday, November 29, 2008

Good Day

Today has been a good day. I got the final 2 out of 3 Christmas trees up and decorated in our house. My husband has been gone most of the day and night doing things with family, so I have gotten gifts wrapped, laundry washed, and more. That's always nice.

So an update on where we are in trying to conceive. I think I ovulated today. I've been crazy trying to temp, chart, and read my body's signs. Mostly I stay confused about whether I have ovulated, or I am going to. But...I think today was the day. I will know more tomorrow.

My husband really wants a boy for lots of different reasons, but secretly I would like a girl. We have 7 boys in the last 3 years on one side of my husband's family, and 4 boys and 1 girl on the other side. In my family, we have 3 little boys and one girl. We have friends that have children...4 boys and 1 girl. To me, it would be nice to shake things up a bit. Although, honestly, it makes absolutely no difference. I just want to be pregnant with a baby. Period.

We are doing well in collecting baby items, maternity clothes, and savings. We are about 70% of the way to our savings goal before a baby is born. This money will cover health insurance premiums, day care, and other expenses for baby's first year. I wish this meant that I wouldn't have to work, but that will not be the case. It just means we will have a financial cushion.

Well, I think I will go lie on the couch, watch a movie, and think...Baby in belly, baby in belly, baby in belly...

Maybe if I chant it enough, it will happen. Just keep praying!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My 1st Ever Blog

How exciting! My first ever blog. So many mommies on DS blog, and I love reading theirs so here is mine.

This is likely to be an intersting journey for anyone who wants to take the ride. My husband, Wes, and I are in the process of trying to conceive our first child! This is our first cycle trying. Not to sound pessimistic (and maybe this is normal...I don't know), but I just don't think it's worked this time around. I wonder if other people feel that way. I won't at all be surprised to take our first HPT and see a BFN!! I want to see PREGNANT!! (I'm digitally testing.) But I just don't feel like that will be the case. Maybe it's just my way of keeping myself from getting my hopes up. Who knows.

...This is much more therapeutic than I thought it would be...It's like a cleansing of the heart...

I just want to be a mother so badly. It's been my only real ambition my whole life. I only went to college because that would be a way to provide for my family if...Heaven forbid...something were to happen to my husband. My life's goal has always been to raise a healthy, happy, Christian family. I sure hope it doesn't take us long to get there.

For a long time I was VERY jealous of other mothers. Actually, the day my sister-in-law went into labor with my sweet nephew, I spent a LOT of time in the bathroom crying. I knew that we were not in the right place to start our family. We needed more time and stability, and I wanted to do everything I could right by my unborn, unconceived baby. But that didn't make it hurt any less. The jealousy stung.

It's not the same anymore and hasn't been for a short while. I am happy for other women who are pregnant or who have sweet newborns or goofy toddlers, even though deep down I wish it was me.


Now we are on our way to that happy family. Just as soon as we get that PREGNANT reading!! I have 6 tests in the drawer waiting. I'm so consumed by BABY it's almost sickening:)

Please keep us in your prayers if you read this. I'm praying harder than I ever have.